Cydonia oblonga
These easy to grow fruiting and ornamental trees deserve to be much more widely planted in our landscpes. Quince's strikingly beautiful, large white flowers are followed by very large, waxy yellow, highly fragrant fruit which is used for baking and in preserves. Our Ukrainian varieties are unique for their tender and mild flavored fruit which can be eaten fresh. Quince are self-fertile, happy in full to half day sun, adaptable to most soils and hardy to at least minus 25°F. Naturally compact, they rarely exceed 10 feet in height.
Ukrainian Quince
These unique varieties are prized for their abundant crops of striking, bright yellow, tender and sweet fruit, which is good enough to eat fresh.
One of the best Ukrainian varieties, Aromatnaya bears abundant crops of large, bright yellow, very aromatic fruit. This sweet, lemony-flavored fruit can be eaten fresh and makes tasty sauce, preserves and pies.
(Krimskaya cv.) This unique variety from southern Ukraine is prized for its large, round, bright yellow fruit. Crisp, tender and juicy, Crimea™ fruit features pineapple-like flavor and citrusy fragrance. It can be eaten fresh and makes delicious baked goods and preserves.
From the southern Caucasus, north of Turkey and Armenia, this exceptional variety bears bountiful crops of large, round, bright yellow fruit. Kuganskaya is sweet and mild, good for fresh eating and for making delicious preserves and baked goods.